When you are going through a lot of change in your life, everything seems to be going at the speed of light! People tell you what is going on it their lives, the news seems to be in chaos, bills come and go and you really don’t have time to breathe as the world zooms passed you so quickly!
I had to stop writing, I thought I was having an anxiety attack.
I know I tend to write from the heart on this blog. Every once in a while I promote something, but most of the time, this blog is my soapbox. I pull it out, stand on it and shout my feelings.
But recently, I have had a lot going on. Massive change in my world, new home, new life. Even new love. I am not at liberty to tell my whole story, but let’s just say that my family is still in shock, two of my children still haven’t accepted it and I am finding that things are zooming by at breakneck speed!
Life in Beverly Hills and the rest of the world keeps going, not stopping for me. So I will open my sail and capture some of that energy, so I can pick up speed and ride along the whirlwind!
I would love to hear how you cope with the high speed world of today, leave me some comments and we will help everyone who must ride the storms of high speed life!